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Hawkman of Earth-10


F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 50
Resources: Gd Pop: 15

Known Powers:
Wings: Rm airspeed, when in flight he counts as having Am Agility, including for Gliding FEATs. He also can accomplish the following:
-Sprint: Hawkman can "sprint" to Un airspeeds, however must make a successful End. FEAT each round
-Gliding: By spreading his wings and riding thermals, Hawkman can travel at Gd airspeed and is considered "resting" enabling him to recover as if he were motionless
-Wing Shield: Hawkman is able to block up to 90 points of damage by using his wings as a shield. However, Hawkman cannot fly if they are used as shields.
Enhanced Vision: Ex Sight

Nth Metal Belt: Am material, Rm ability to decrease gravity. gives Hawkman the following abilities:
-Gravity Control: Gives Hawkman Mn Strength
-Am Resistance to Heat and Cold
Helmet: In protection vs. Blunt attacks, gives Hawkman the following power stunts:
-Thermal Vision: Mn
Thangarian Mace: Am material, In Blunt
Sword: Am material, Rm Edge
Axe: Am material, Am Edge
Shield: In material, Blocks up to 75 damage. Still subject to stuns and slams.

Talents: Military, Martial Arts B, Marksmanship, Egyptian Weapons, Repair/Tinkering, Leadership, Weapons Master: (Mace)

Contacts: Hawkgirl, Nazi Party, Gerechtigkeitliga