Black Manta of Earth-16
Black Manta
F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Ex20
Health: 110 Karma: 50
Resources: Ex Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Helmet: In material, it provides Black Manta with the following:
-Air Supply: Unlimited Supply
-Optic Blast: In Energy, 7 areas
Wet Suit: Black Manta's suit is specifically designed to adapt him to an oceanic environment. It gives him the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Resistance to Cold: In
-Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer any penalties in Underwater Battles.
-Jet Boots: Rm waterspeed or Gd airspeed
-Electrical Generation: Black Manta is able to generate Rm Electricity on contact with his victim.
-Torpedo Launcher: Fires up to 10 areas underwater, torpedo does In damage to an entire area
Talents: Underwater Combat (+1CS), Scuba, Genetics, Electronics, Marine Biology, Medicine, Pilot: (Underwater Craft), Martial Arts B
Contacts: Manta Men
Manta Men
Manta Men
F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ty6
Health: 50 Karma: 22
Resources: Gd Pop: -5
Known Powers:
None, all of the Manta Men's powers are derived from their hi-tech squba gear
Scuba Suit: Ty protection vs. Physical and Energy, In protection vs. Cold
-Air Supply: 6 hours
Weaponry: A typical Manta Man has the following weapons:
-Energy Gun: Ex Energy, 10 areas
-Rocket Launcher: Fires up to 1 area, rocket does Rm Edge to an entire area
Talents: Underwater Combat (+1CS), Scuba, Pilot: (Underwater Craft)
Contacts: Black Manta
Manta Sub
Manta Sub: This large Manta sub is usually his submersible/floating base of operations. It's a larger version of his henchmen's mini manta subs. It has the following statistics:
-Control: Ex
-Speed: Ex
-Body: In
-Protection: Rm
-Water Speed: Ex (5 Areas/Round - 75 MPH)
-Life Support: Artificial gill system provides oxygen for passengers and engine. 2 Hours of back-up air for cabin.
-Airlock: Allows 2 people to leave the ship per Round, with 1 Round needed to reset it before it can be used again.
-Sonar/Radar: Am
-Torpedoes: In Explosive damage, but can pierce Am Body Armor
-Lasers: Am Energy